DIW Rain Pipe
  • DIW Rain Pipe
DIW Rain Pipe
486 Customer Reviews

DIW Rain Pipe Specifications:

Diameter: 20 | 32 | 40 | 63 | 75 mm
Thickness (micron): 300 - 350
Weight (kg): 3.5 - 8.5​
Roll Length (meter): 100 (32 | 40 | 60 | 75 mm Rain Pipe) & 200 (20 mm Rain Pipe)
Drip Hole Spacing: 5 cm
Water Discharge: 200 ltr/hr/mtr
Material: LDPE & HDPE
Life Expected: 4 Years 

DIW Rain Pipe Application:

Rain Pipe is used for spray irrigation, it is a flexible pipe with a zig-zag pattern of drip holes. A rain pipe is a suitable option for sprinkler irrigation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are Rain Pipes suitable for all crops?

Ans : Vegetables: Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, leafy greens, and more. Fruits: Strawberries, melons, blueberries, raspberries, and some orchard trees (with proper design). Flowers: Annuals, perennials, and container plants. Field Crops: Corn, cotton, soybeans (with proper system design).

2. What are the advantages of laser-punched Rain Pipes?

Ans : Laser technology ensures: Uniformity: Consistent hole size and spacing for even water distribution. Durability: Clean cuts minimize the risk of tearing or leaks around the emitters. Efficiency: Precise hole placement optimizes water delivery.

3. How do I choose the right Rain Pipe for my needs?

Ans : Consider these factors: Flow rate: The amount of water emitted per hole per hour. Higher flow rates are suitable for larger plants or thirsty crops. Emitter spacing: The distance between holes on the pipe. Closer spacing provides more frequent watering for plants with high water needs. Pipe wall thickness: Impacts durability and lifespan. Thicker pipes are more resistant to damage but may be less flexible.

4. How do I install a Rain Pipe system?

Ans : Rain Pipe installation is generally straightforward. Here's a basic outline: Plan your layout: Measure your planting area and determine pipe length needed. Connect the pipe to your water source: Use a pressure regulator if needed. Punch end caps for closing off the pipe ends. (Some pre-made pipes have these) Lay the pipe along your planting rows. Secure the pipe with stakes (optional). Open emitter holes near your plants. (Pre-punched on most Rain Pipes)

5. What are the benefits of using a Rain Pipe?

Ans : 1. Water savings: Delivers water directly to plant roots, minimizing waste from evaporation or runoff. 2. Increased yields: Promotes healthy plant growth by delivering the right amount of water. 3. Reduced weed growth: Less water on the soil surface discourages weeds. 4. Easy installation: Lightweight and flexible for simple setup in your garden or field. 5. Cost-effective: Saves water and labor compared to traditional irrigation methods.

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